If you're looking for a clever station bio, you're not going to find one here. Our backstory is about as interesting as an egg salad sandwich. We're unexceptional. But, isn't that what you've really been looking for all along? Something with a matte finish? Something brutally ordinary? Naturally.
We're the cotton briefs of internet radio, an admittedly uninventive bunch. We use the same simple ingredients the other stations use to bake their cakes. That's why our cake tastes a lot like their cake. And that's not all. In addition to sounding criminally similar, Cincinnati classic rock radio stations have a tendency to make bold statements about their imagined greatness. Well, we've got some pretty bold statements of our own to make, mister.
Underwhelmed? Of course, you are. But, you know what? You're no worse for wear. Celebrate. Grab yourself a sack of Crunchy Flamin' Hot Cheetos®, compliment with a pint of rotgut vodka, and enjoy this mindlessness while you still can. 'Cuz like everything else in life, we're a flash in the pan.
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